
Showing posts from October, 2024

The Scary thing? You Don't Think You’re Scared.

  In a world full of people hiding in fear behind their screens, make the choice to fear not. Roughly 2000 years ago, a man named Simon was out fishing with his brother Andrew. They had been fishing all through the night when they came across a man on the beach. Andrew had already met the man and believed him to be the Son of God. The man was Jesus of Nazareth and their meeting that day would change the brother’s lives forever. Christ invited them to push out and toss out their net for another catch. Simon replied that he’d been at it all night, but Jesus insisted, and Simon obeyed. The amount of that they caught threatened to break the net and sink the boat. Amazed and in awe, and surely remembering what his brother believed about Jesus; Simon fell to his knees and said, “depart from me; for I am a sinful man.” It’s interesting to note that having experienced the goodness of God, Simon didn’t feel relief, he didn’t rejoice, he didn’t even say thank you. Instead, he felt undeservin...